Wednesday, January 20, 2010

GO CANADA!!!!....and Riversol!!!!

Some exciting news about the Olympics and about the fabulous skin care line RIVERSOL. Riversol is the EXCLUSIVE skin care line for the Canadian Olympic Skiing Teams. The athletes loved the lines, especially with how well protected their skin is due to the harsh weather conditions they endure with all their training and competing.

So when the Olympics Skiers are performing, don't forget to cheer them on and be impressed by how well maintained their skin is ;-)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Resolutions!!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday Season!!!!
Now that we are in 2010, I urge you all to make some skin care and makeup resolutions!! Such as: "I promise to wash off all my makeup before going to sleep" or " I am going to try new shades of eye shadows or lip glosses" or even "I promise to drink lots of water, exercise as often as I can, and treat my skin in luxurious products because it deserves to be treated as such".

Trust me, you ARE worth it now you've just got to stick to it.

Much love for a fabulous 2010!